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List Assest from Location ID



List Assets From LocationId


Path Parameters

    organizationId stringrequired

    The ID of organization.

    locationId stringrequired

    The ID of location.

Query Parameters

    shadowNames string[]

    Specify shadow names to fetch. (Default: DeviceUplink)

    maxResults number

    Possible values: >= 10 and <= 25

    The maximum number of results to return.

    nextToken string

    To retrieve the next set of results.


    data objectrequired

    An array of assets within the specified location.

    id stringrequired
    organizationId stringrequired
    name stringrequired
    description stringrequired
    devEui string
    uuid string
    shadows objectrequired
    integrationServiceId stringrequired
    assetTypeId stringrequired
    locationId stringrequired
    chatRoomId stringrequired
    modelName stringrequired
    nameOfManufacturer stringrequired
    yearOfManufacture numberrequired
    purchaseCost numberrequired
    purchaseDate numberrequired
    warrantyEndDate numberrequired
    image stringrequired
    files stringrequired
    keepAlive number
    connectionStatus boolean
    status string
    createdAtDateString stringrequired
    createdAt numberrequired
    updatedAtDateString stringrequired
    updatedAt numberrequired