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List Work Orders By Location Id



List Work Orders By Location Id


Path Parameters

    organizationId stringrequired

    The ID of organization.

    locationId stringrequired

    The ID of location.

Query Parameters

    startDate numberrequired

    The start date number of timestamp. (Default: 1700000000000)

    endDate numberrequired

    The end date number of timestamp. (Default: 1700000000000)

    statuses string[]

    The status of work order. (Default: optional ; Options: Open, Accept, InProgress, OnHold, Complete, Close)

    priorities string[]

    The status of work order. (Default: optional ; Options: Low, Medium, High, None)


    data objectrequired

    Data of the work order.

    workOrderId stringrequired
    workRequestId stringrequired
    organizationId stringrequired
    locationId stringrequired
    subject stringrequired
    description stringrequired
    type stringrequired
    priority stringrequired
    scheduleType stringrequired
    assignee objectrequired
    images string[]required
    files string[]required
    status stringrequired
    timeTrackingType stringrequired
    createdBy stringrequired
    createdAtDateString stringrequired
    createdAt numberrequired
    updatedAtDateString stringrequired
    updatedAt numberrequired
    nextToken required

    To retrieve the next set of results.
