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Create Work Order



Create work order


Path Parameters

    organizationId stringrequired

    The ID of organization.


    type stringrequired

    The type of work order(Normal, Template).

    subject stringrequired

    The subject of work order.

    description string

    The description of work order.

    expiredAt numberrequired

    The expired time of work order(Must be a multiple of 15 minutes).

    workTime number

    The workTime of work order, when type is template.

    scheduleType string

    The schedule type of work order.

    daysOfWeek boolean[]

    Days of week, ex: [false, true, false, false, false, true, false] is monday and friday of week.

    everyWeeks number

    How many weeks interval, ex: 1 is every week, 2 is interval of one week.

    dayOfMonth number

    Day of month, ex: 22 is 22th day of every month.

    everyMonths number

    How many months interval, ex: 1 is every month, 2 is interval of one month(1/22, 3/22, 5/22 etc...).

    everyYears number

    How many years interval, ex: 1 is every year, 2 is interval of one year(2023/01/22, 2025/01/22, 2027/01/22 etc...).

    aheadOfTime number

    Ahead of time(seconds) to available in the list.

    assignee object

    The assignee of work order.

    priority stringrequired

    The priority of work order.

    workRequestId string

    The ID of work request.

    locationId string

    The location ID of work order.

    procedures string

    The procedures of work order.

    images string[]

    The images of work order.

    files string[]

    The files of work order.

    partIds string[]

    The ID list of part.

    assetIds string[]

    The ID list of asset.

    enableNotify boolean

    Enable/Disable notification.

    timeTrackingType stringrequired

    The time tracking type for the status update (manual, automatic).


    data objectrequired

    Data of the work order.

    id stringrequired
    organizationId stringrequired
    type stringrequired
    subject stringrequired
    description stringrequired
    expiredAt stringrequired
    workTime numberrequired
    scheduleType stringrequired
    daysOfWeek boolean[]required
    everyWeeks numberrequired
    dayOfMonth numberrequired
    everyMonths numberrequired
    everyYears numberrequired
    locationId stringrequired
    aheadOfTime numberrequired
    assignee objectrequired
    priority stringrequired
    workRequestId stringrequired
    procedures stringrequired
    images string[]required
    files string[]required
    partIds string[]required
    assetIds string[]required
    enableNotify booleanrequired
    status stringrequired
    timeTrackingType stringrequired
    createdBy stringrequired
    createdAtDateString stringrequired
    createdAt numberrequired