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Create Event Schedule



Create new event rule


Path Parameters

    organizationId stringrequired

    The ID of organization.


    name stringrequired

    The name of event schedule.

    description string

    The description of event schedule.

    stage stringrequired

    The stage of event schedule.

    targetName string

    The target name of event schedule, when stage is edge.

    expressionType stringrequired

    The expression type of event schedule.

    oneTimeExpression number

    The one-time expression of event schedule.

    cronExpression object

    The cron expression of event schedule.

    rateExpression object

    The rate expression of event schedule.

    timezone number

    The timezone of event schedule.

    startDate number

    The start date of event schedule.

    endDate number

    The end date of event schedule.

    actions string[]required

    The actions of event schedule.

    hashtags string[]

    The hashtags of event rule.

    status stringrequired

    The status of event schedule.


    data objectrequired

    Data of the event schedule.

    name stringrequired
    description stringrequired
    stage stringrequired
    status stringrequired
    targetName stringrequired
    expressionType stringrequired
    hashtags string[]required
    cronExpression objectrequired
    atHours numberrequired
    atMinutes numberrequired
    dayOfMonth number[]required
    actions object[]required
  • Array [
  • type stringrequired
    parameters objectrequired
    name stringrequired
    assetId stringrequired
    confirmed booleanrequired
    fPort numberrequired
    payload stringrequired
    payloadDataType stringrequired
  • ]
  • createdBy stringrequired
    createdAtDateString stringrequired
    createdAt numberrequired